When your greater mind is properly directed, it becomes a catalyst for inspiring your thinking mind to make precise decisions at opportune moments, seize advantages in the perfect timing, and skillfully navigate circumstances, ensuring all factors align to achieve your goals.
The key lies in harmonizing your subconscious with the desires and objectives of your conscious mind. This dynamic alliance between the two realms ensures failure becomes an impossibility, paving the way for unparalleled success attainable by anyone.
When striving to overcome undesirable habits, tendencies, or desires, never dwell on thoughts like, “I will not do this anymore,” for this approach only reinforces the unwanted impression in your subconscious, strengthening its grip on your system.
Instead, adopt a more effective strategy – forget entirely what you wish to remove. Redirect your attention to the opposite qualities, desires, or tendencies. If your interest in these positive aspects isn’t immediate, explore their most intriguing aspects until your mind becomes captivated, overshadowing the undesirable thoughts that should fade away.
As your mind embraces the desired qualities, deeply impress them upon your subconscious with genuine emotion and repetition. Over time, these new aspirations will take root within your greater mind.
As these newly cultivated desires begin to blossom and express themselves in your personal being, their presence will be felt throughout your entire personality. Gradually, the old undesirable tendencies and habits will fade away, leaving room for the full expression of the newly embraced ideals.
To direct your subconscious effectively, instill a strong desire for higher, purer, and superior aspects in life. By doing so, you refine your sense of longing, purify your entire being, and elevate your wants to a higher plane.
Any undesirable habits can be replaced by consistently impressing upon your subconscious the idea of pure desires. Similarly, negative emotions like anger and hatred can be diminished by nurturing qualities of love, kindness, justice, and sympathy within your greater mind. To dissolve fear and worry, frequently and deeply impress your subconscious with unwavering faith, gratitude, and a positive outlook. Faith empowers you to perpetually seek progress and choose safe, secure paths, eradicating fear entirely.
A spirit of gratitude not only banishes worry but its very source. By appreciating the goodness already manifesting in your life, you invite even greater abundance. Embrace the mental sunshine that illuminates your mind, elevating your thinking with clarity and sweetness. Your whole being will resonate in harmony with everything around you, transforming your life and work for the better.
In moments of darkness and adversity, summon all your energies to impress and direct your subconscious. Infuse your impressions with profound emotion and unwavering faith. Persistence is your ally until your greater mind responds, guiding your actions from within.
In time, a transformation will occur, steering you away from impending calamity and drawing forth the immense power that resides within you. This awakened power surpasses all adversities, challenges, and wrongs, paving the way to create a future far superior to anything you’ve ever known before. Embrace this power within you, and embrace a life of boundless possibilities and exceptional achievements.
1. I focus my thoughts on what I truly desire, manifesting abundance and success in all areas of my life.
2. With a harmonious alignment of my subconscious and conscious mind, I effortlessly achieve my goals and dreams. 3. Success is my only option as I embrace the dynamic alliance between my greater mind and thinking mind. 4. I embrace desirable habits by directing my attention to positive qualities that captivate my mind and heart.
5. The seeds of positive aspirations I sow in my subconscious bloom into a radiant expression in my personality.
6. My desire for higher ideals purifies my being, paving the way for remarkable transformations in my life.
7. I embody love, kindness, justice, and empathy, embracing a life filled with compassion.
8. Faith and gratitude fill my thoughts, guiding me towards safe and secure paths in life.
9. In moments of darkness, I summon unwavering faith and profound emotion to awaken the immense power within me.
10. I embrace the boundless possibilities and exceptional achievements that arise from tapping into my inner power.